Yesterday I was in Soho,walking around with my friend Lilly.Now we first went to 8Th street, and work our way down. On 8Th street there is a whole bunch of rocker people,with crazy make up(guys including),and crazy hair.Some stores were interesting, some was just straight up devilish.One of the stores had a rocker guy,really cute,with this very interesting tattoo on his neck.I was staring at it, and he was laughing on the inside because I was so fixated on it. As we walk to Soho,this very UGLY,very DIRTY,very UNKEMPT boy walk at the side of me and said to my friend "So you bring your fat friend to make yourself look better". The funny thing about this was his fat friend that was with him was laughing....ummmm -_- you cant be serious,YOU DID THE SAME THING!!!! Though that boy piss me off,I'm going to leave you with a little something.

"Knit Shirt Dress" for $17.80 at Forever21.com

Oxfords are so nice,and relaxed. These are the flats. "Jezebel" for $99.95 at Stevemadden.com

"Docile" for $89.95 at Stevemadden.com,if you like heels.

This bag would go perfect with this out fit. Fossil "Vintage Reissue" Satchel at Nordstrom.com for $178.
So with this I leave you with peace
So with this I leave you with peace