Problem Of The Day: I'm sick,and I can't basically move very much.
I was looking in my closet,and draws to see how much clothes I have. Questioning weather or not I should buy new clothing. Well my conclusion to this problem is that I do need new clothing,and ASAP. I have basically old clothing that I wore all last year,this is my senior year and I want to walk out with a bang(even though on most occasions I'm not that way). I just want to do something different. So here our some looks that I want to try out.

A perfect,flattering Trench Coat always is a DO!!!

Before the summer ends I need to wear my sailors outfit,I have the shirt and pants,all I need is the shoes.

This is very Johnny Depp inspired,gods knows how much I love him. My head is big though,so I have to find a hat that fits.

Biker Boots,its just so edgy ;)

High Boots for rainy days,and nothing to wear days.