Sunday, November 27, 2011
No Sleeping, Just Home Work & Samurai Champool
As I sit here, I think about all the home work I have to give in on Monday (checked black board, and I missed an assignment). So right now I sitting here with Errin, doing home work that makes my head hurt (well at least I'm doing something boring with someone fun!).
Friday, November 11, 2011
I Am Worthy...
So before I share my memories of what happen during my birthday, I wanted to share a poem I wrote.
I Am Worthy
Smart people don't have to call someone dumb in order to prove their intelligence
Leaders don't have to tell their followers to follow if they were a true leader
True beauty doesn't have to be physical for it to be seen
A genius doesn't have to speared the fruit of knowledge,it grows within us
And Finally
The truth doesn't have to be told in order for it to be there
We are all worthy
We are all worthy
I Am Worthy
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Final Thoughts Before The Big...
So tomorrow is my birthday,which makes me happy and sad at the same time. I can't even think correctly because all of the responsibilities I would face. Like I want my own job to make my own money, but I still want Mama & Papa to be there when I need help (and I mean for the rest of my life). I can't imagine being in this cold world alone. Like health insurance, car, tuition, and so much more. But I will be celebrating it tonight, exactly at 12 a,m, eating my red velvet cake (yum can't wait). I also need to start thinking about what profession I wan't to pursue in life, my ideal profession would be journalism, but I also have to have a back up plan. Being a journalist would be hard,but the most important thing is to have an innovative mind,which I believe I have.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
First Day & First Realization
So my actual first day of college...
Well it was a boring, but I'm grateful because my professors are nice (well the two I've met). I'm really happy I no longer have to worry about that other school. Before i attended classes today,I went for a little brunch with a friend at Applebees,considering my some what of a goodbye to my free time. But lately I find myself a little more adventures, and eager to learn, EVERYTHING! Now I want to learn how to cook full length Haitian Meals, and I mean MEALS!
So the first two are the typical, well made fried Haitian dishes. The last one is actually what my mother made the other night, and it was great and healthy! I'm also working very hard in my sewing class. I just bought a sewing machine, and I'm excited and a tab bit scared. I really want this sewing class to take me far, and if I fail I'm scared on how hard I'll be on myself. I'll work hard on it until,I FIND something better fitting for me.
Well it was a boring, but I'm grateful because my professors are nice (well the two I've met). I'm really happy I no longer have to worry about that other school. Before i attended classes today,I went for a little brunch with a friend at Applebees,considering my some what of a goodbye to my free time. But lately I find myself a little more adventures, and eager to learn, EVERYTHING! Now I want to learn how to cook full length Haitian Meals, and I mean MEALS!
So the first two are the typical, well made fried Haitian dishes. The last one is actually what my mother made the other night, and it was great and healthy! I'm also working very hard in my sewing class. I just bought a sewing machine, and I'm excited and a tab bit scared. I really want this sewing class to take me far, and if I fail I'm scared on how hard I'll be on myself. I'll work hard on it until,I FIND something better fitting for me.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Don't Go Yet...
So those Berry colored Heels in this set is my new purchase. I love them. I feel like before summer ends I must wear all of my nice color clothes. I also needs to buy boots, and sweaters for fall. I think fall is my favorite season,I like the feeling of wearing a short sleeve shirt,with my vintage sweater over it. Plus my birthday is in the fall =D.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
One Step Closer
I would love to create a dress some what like this. It's the only one close to the one I really want to create.
So I just came back from my community center, and I'm excited. At first when my mom told me she was a professional, I questioned her definition of professional. But I gave her a chance, and she has convince me. She said once I start a project,I most finish it. I'm in stage one, and I ready to learn. I really can't believe one day I'll be making my own clothes.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Emotional, and Confused mind of a Young African American Female
Sometime when I listen to her music,I regret putting a weave in my hair. With every string she plucks at on her guitar, it hits the core of my heart. I want to pull off all the artificial stuff, and find art within the given beauty god gave me.
The emotional, and confused mind of a young African American female.
Friday, July 29, 2011
A Day Of Fun With Elegance
So I'm getting back into fashion. I'm even going so far as to getting sewing lessons to start creating my own clothes. In hopes of getting notice by great designers.I'm also begging my parents to buy me a professional camera to capture great pictures to add them to my collection of inspiration...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I know I'm blogging about graduation a little too late,but there's no time limit on speaking your mind so here it goes. Well it was a little akward considering very one sort of separated at the end of the year. At the same time no one really cares because most of the people didn't keep in touch with each other. I was a little upset that I didn't get a chance to sit with my three close friends,but I love the fact that they cheered for me. I did the same for them,but I don't think they heard me because the two students in front of them took all the attention. There was only one person that was close in my row,and at of all people it was the boy who got on my nerves since the very beginning of High School. At the final moment we gave each other a hug,a great ending to a bad beginning. So far I've seen 3-4 people from my High School,which I thought was good considering everyone want to leave New York City for either a basketball university, or a party university. Since I'll be turning 18 in November, I would love to go to several things. Home Coming at Brown (heard it was popping, Rick Ross was at the last one), party day and night (hopefully my mom doesn't stop me), Soca party in Miami, and much much more. Right now I looking for a laptop to buy,and a really good camera.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Keep Your Hands To Your Self,or Be Prepared To Get The Same Treatment Your Giving Others
So I haven't blogged in a long time,but this was something I felt I had to post. Today was an interesting day,not one of the best,but could be worse. So for some reason today,people felt the need to put there hands on me(mind you I'm relaxed the whole day). First in gym someone wants to hit me,and when I get into the locker room I pushed and shoved the person and kicked. Like if you don't want me to put my hands on you,keep them to yourself. We can always exchange words,but when people get psychical you have agreed to accepted whats coming for you. Then later on I decided to go to lunch with 3 of my school "friends",nothing serous. I ordered food that was way too much,and end up only eating a very small portion of it. It was so big,it wasn't appetizing. So while we're talking,you decided to throw something at me and when I throw it back you get mad. Like what did you expect,for me to sit there. And if you don't like food being thrown at you,don't throw it! Then you take food and throw it in my face,yes it was a small portion but still that disrespectful. I just don't understand people,where do you come off as someone who can do that and get away with it. So I took my BBQ fingers and threw some at you,which stained your shirt,but who cares thats nothing compare to what was thrown in my face. Like we're graduating now,time to grow up. We can disagree with out fighting. Makes us look ignorant...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I Get What I Want, At Least I think I Do...
Well I went to the store I wanted to today,and I saw one nice dress. But I want a better one,to accommodated my big ass shoulders!
Pure B.S
Seriously my mom needs to stand up for certain things. I'm suppose to be visiting another dress shop in long island,but my step father refuses to take us. Its not like my mother can't drive,she's afraid to do it on her own. Which pisses me the FUCK OFF! This is my senior year FUCK my step father is he doesn't want to take us,do it on your own! Your becoming a dependent,if you don't know how to get there,get a GPS thing for like $100. So what if your car is messed up,I'm your daughter,do what you have to do in order to get what your daughter needs.
P.S: If I don't get the dress I want,or if anything gets delayed by him. I will never forgive you...
P.S: If I don't get the dress I want,or if anything gets delayed by him. I will never forgive you...
"Lets Talk About Sex"
"Lets Talk About Sex" was a show I came across last night. It explored the topic of sex,and how people from different cultures approach the "the talk" with their children. People in the U.S see it as an awkward thing, something that shouldn't be mention until after the fact. I'm going to be very honest,I'm one of those people in the U.S that finds this topic awkward. For example when I was in class,and my teacher was reading a very intimate part. It made me feel weird,and I could tell around the room it made other students weird. I mean because he's a teacher,and we knew we shouldn't know these things until we're some what of an adult. But in this case he was relax,and I remembered he said he lived in London for some time. Then it hit me,European's mentality isn't shying away from it, but facing it head on. It was also shown in the show. They visit Denmark, and the parents & teenagers there saw it as a nature thing. They know it's going to happen eventually,so they focus on the safe sex part more, and it worked! When they showed the statistics of U.S's STI rates,compare to the other counties, we were far ahead(and I mean way far ahead). They also shown the teen pregnancies, and it was the same thing, They also said a fatal mistake the U.S did, was the categories they put sex in. They put sex on the same level as drugs, and drinking. Which wouldn't work because as teenagers we say "Ohhh I wanna try that..." In stead of saying "I have time for that later,it's going to come...". We can't put sex on the same level as drugs and alcohol because it's NATURAL! I always wondered how other human beings on a remote island know what to do when wanting a child. Its a simple answer,we as human beings know that sex is a process in order to have a child,or pleasure (and by even writing this I have conflicted thoughts). We as people in the U.S have been conditioned by our culture, religion,and our surrounding to not tackle the subject sex. But we should think twice about it. I've always notice Tanisha's cousins speak freely about it time to time,and they know I'm young. But they come from Europe, and it doesn't matter. I would love to raise my child like that,but I have to rewire myself & thoughts. So now I'm trying to keep my mind open,but it's hard because of my little sister smh(I wish I was last so I wouldn't have to worry & take responsibilities).
P.S: I don't think Ill every be able to talk to my parents about that stuff,yuck.
P.S.S: I'm serous...
So yesterday I went to look at prom dresses,and I wanted to die. I found nothing but crappy stuff,or things that couldn't fit. I'm hoping to go by myself next time I look,and I mean by myself as in with a friend,and without my mother.All yesterday she was stressing me out,in stead of helping me find a dress.I finally went to the boutique I've been wanting to go to in a long time,and she was pressuring me to leave. I really felt like screaming at her,but I bit my tongue and started walking faster, which made me loose her for like 15 minutes(with out a phone).I found another place to go to, but I'm crossing my fingers they have my size.I also need to get off this water weight,it wont look good with the dress(plus Tanisha's stressing me out about it).I thought I wouldn't stress about prom,but I am.I wont be able to get my dress made anymore,and I hate the grandma dresses they made for plus size GIRLS!!!!! NOT GRANDMA LUCY BUT YOUNG GIRLS...FUCK! I sometimes wish I could scream this in the designers ears right before they start sketching the clothing! I also I have to find a color that would accommodate both my skin tone and hair. sad story
P.S: My head is pounding,and I have to study for my mid-term and do my Economics HW
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Love...A Fatal Sickness
This song says so much without many words. It's something all lovers should hear with open minds. It will help them understand that maybe they have changed,and on the other hand it could help people understand love all together...
Sunday, April 3, 2011
So lately I didn't get far,or much on what I really wanted,such as colleges, a job, or this blog. I would like to say Congratulations to Janiri for getting accepted to BMCC! As for me,not so good. I got accepted to Kingsborough, and LaGuardia Community College, which isn't that bad, but I would have wished for something I really wanted. Which really doesn't surprise me because I (trying not to say never) don't get what I want most of the time. I'll get stress, a load of work, and bull shit. But nothing that would make people around me say "You Lucky!". It's just my harsh reality I've grown to accept. I can say this though, my mother bought me the shoes I wanted since the first time I've seen them.
These are the Torrid Booties I posted on my blog on January 25,2011. It's amazing!; $48
Well prom is next and I could already feel the pressure to get things done right. I really didn't see all this time pass me. My friend is aggravated that I don't have any idea about my dress,the color, and my hair. I understand though because when I don't get it done,she knows who I'm coming to lol!
P.S: I've been doing good with out money, I'm not going to sit here and say it's easy for me not to have it. But I don't stress it as much as I did in the past. My only issue is not having a phone. I'm tired of not having a phone and the fucked up thing about this whole situation is that it's not even my fault. My other sister knew exactly what she was doing when she begged for my mother to put her on our line. She ran up the bill, and when my mother refuse to pay for it, she left and got her own line. Now she doesn't even talk on her phone really (and I notice because she's not having hourly conversation like she used to in the past). I really hate greedy, and selfish people. My mom should make her pay for the minutes used.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I think she's high.She would say one thing,then go the other direction haha XD. Ryan on the other hand is hot!!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Something New For Me
Welcome Carmelo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since All Star Weekend ended,I have been watching almost everything that have to do with basketball my sister. I, Johanna Cadet actually watched a whole game! I loved every minute of it (well I mean I was entertained), and now I will be watching almost all the games. =)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My eyes hurt so much.I didn't have my afternoon nap,which throws off my whole sleeping pattern.Now I can't stay up late tonight.I found this amazing camera that's about $160, and I want it so bad.If I do get that camera,or something better(I hope),I'll be taking so many pictures,and posting them up everywhere,on every website.For some reason I feel like going to target and buy a whole bunch of stuff.Such things like beauty supplies,hair supplies,clothing,can't forget my baby carrots & NATURAL applesauce.I would also love a fresh pack of tee-shirts(v-neck),and some socks.All of these things makes me comfortable.Tomorrow I would love to call a couple of places to ask for a position,or any openings.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Don't Say Never...(This Is Going To Be A Hard One)
I'm trying my best not to say never,because I always end up doing the deed. Ugh the challenges I put myself through.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Summer Bags
This summer I intend on using a convent go to bag. Basically a light summer bag. I gathered up a few from expensive to inexpensive.
Women's Patterned Canvas Cross body Bag:,$12.50
Kate Spade New York "Kenny Wood" Tote:,$295
Bloomingdale's Big Canvas Bag:,$38
Lauren By Ralph Lauren "Trulo" Hobo Bag:,$168
Kate Spade New York'Cobble Hill- Medium Serena'Leather Hobo:, $295
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