So today was a descent day. It wasn't much going on,it was as if people made an unspoken agreement that we'll all be calm. You had one or two ghetto people here and there, but it wasn't enough to mess up the flow of the day.
I wanted to give blood today,but couldn't because the iron level in my blood was too low. My thing is why have a blood drive in the first week of November? Its common knowledge that majority of females have their little gift from mother nature in the beginning and ending of the month. It just doesn't add up! So now I guess I have to give blood at another time, and place. It really disappointed me because for a very long time now I've been wanting to give blood, and when I'm able to do so I couldn't because I was couple of points low! *Sign* I guess I'll do another time.
P.S: I was placed on the Honor Roll,that made my day a little!
P.S.S: We're growing up which makes me sad,but I'll get passed it =)
P.S.S.S: Simple bliss is starting to set in
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