This pass weekend I went to MomaPs1. I don't know where to even begin. When I was informed about this concert/party thing, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go. I looked at my job schedule and I was free, so I took a dive in and purchased the tickets. Anyways I had to give my little sister an opportunity back, she missed Meek Mills because of me. And Miguel was performing on this particular date. She broke part of my camera, for like an hour I was roaming by myself. But eventually I got over it, and went back to party and dace. I wanted to make sure I see Miguel front and center. So I pushed my fat butt all the way to the front, Lilly came, and finally my little sister had the courage to come up. It was worth it! Miguel was right there, pointing back at me & rocking out with me. He's DJ was kinda cute too lol. But Solange was there as well. She was just there with her boyfriend chilling and dancing. She is so pretty too!
Whelp here are the pictures & videos!
P.S: These pictures and videos that you see here are mine
Give Credit,Thanks!
P.S.S: Lilly took one or two pictures out of this bunch
Thanks Again!
He's Dope
This Dude Is A Party Animal
He Was In V.I.P
And Before Miguel Performed He Was Dancing With Us
That Smile
Looked Right Into My Camera
I Couldn't Correct The Zoom
because That's The Part My Sister Broke
Several Times He Caught Me
I Didn't Mind Though
Here's The Performance
While Exploring The Exhibit On The Second Floor
I Took A Look Out The Window and Saw Solange
She Caught Me Right In The Eye
It Was Val's Birthday Too
Happy Birthday Val!
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