So Carnival was crazy fun!!!!!! XD It was me,Ashley ,Dominique,Seqoiya, and Tanisha. I have to say I was really excited for the parade. My only issue was jumping over the gates. The first time I hurt my self,really bad lol. Seqoiya help me thought every time,so I felt a little safe. Soca was jamming,and powder was every where!!! It was beautiful seeing all the countries coming together to create a good time. When we saw the Haitian float up front,we jumped back over the gate and basically ran over there,but police stopped a lot of people from entering. So we followed on the side walk,but it didn't take us long to jump back in to the crowed. We was like in this train motion,dancing,jumping and laughing. As soon as we saw a fight broke out,we jumped back out the crowed. One thing everyone knows about Labor Day Pared is that the fights are crazy,and sometimes deadly and we weren't trying to be apart of that. Here are some pictures of our FUN TIME!!!!
Us Dancing to the Soca,and me looking a little slow,but who cares!

Domo and Tanisha taking flicks

Me and Sha love the lighting!

Domo looking like a real thug. Little something here to say to you. Her eyes were covered,and half of her face as well. There were had about 20 guys an hour trying to speak to her.It was crazy because she could have a messed up grill and everything in between,but to them once they see a nice body it doesn't even matter.
Everything that happen I couldn't even fit in here,but I hope more days like this would come in the near future.
you look so beautiful.