Super Women could pick that up in one second,but I tried :/
Well yesterday was something crazy. Thank god our change of plan took us to Austin street,instead of Soho. Tanisha was babysitting,so I went there since the Q88 drops me right in front of my destination. I spent time with her nephew Chi-Chi, and bought a Red-Mango yogurt that coast me $4.90! I finish that before I even hit the front of the door. We met up with her college friend name Jean (in French it's pronounced differently). We went to Austin street to eat,but he wanted to do a little shopping first.
While in this "upper-class" store,I saw a thunder and knew it was about to rain,but we had a good ten minutes before it started.
This is Before with Tanisha & Jean

I wasn't there because I was in Pay-Less getting some new shoes. Something told me in the back of my mind to get new shoes,because I was going to need it.I don't throw out money all the time,so I knew I needed to get it.
We ended up in a store,and by now the thunder bolds were coming more frequent then usual. When we were walking towards the restaurant we saw people with their babies in carriages. I took out my umbrella and then the rain started. It was like stage 1, then stage 2, by then me and Tanisha was running. By the time we hit the corner stage 3 had begone, and we lost her friend. The wind blew so hard but we had to find him. We enter the restaurant not a second late,because they were about to close the door. Something broke and flew off,and the windows were cracking from the pressure.
The way the wind blew + the rain was amazing. It was something out of a movie. We called her friend and he was safe next door at the other restaurant. He said the tables were flying,the plates were too.He came next door,and he looked amazed by the whole thing.

This was us after the whole ordeal,clearly you could see us all messed up! But that didn't last for long,because we ate!

This was us eating up a storm lmao,I didn't mean to make that corny joke.
Let me just tell you the wings were great!!!

This was just one damage from the restaurant. The managers look very stressed out by the accumulating damages.

The door broke off,I should have robbed a bank.

Seeing this little boy in the car hurt me. The damage was right by the window,and thank good he didn't get hurt. His mother was pregnant too,she said she had to go to the hospital to see if her baby was ok *tear-tear*. I hope all the babies that were caught in the storm were safe.

Trees fell hard,and thank god it wasn't on us.

The concrete lifted!
By the time we got to the train station,it was an even bigger mess that happen. We end up breaking the law and sneaking in. Then some random guy ALMOST threw up on us.
But here is our happy,and even fun ending!!!

This Was the Reason Why School was closed!!!
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