Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Smooth Sailing

So I had some what of an altercation with my older sister a week ago. And I had to get out and away from my house. I randomly ended up at Lilly's place. Her Mom automatically made me feel comfortable, and at home. She is so nice and sweet. She cracked a few jokes here and there. Later that day we ended up going to an art event in the city. Her friend invited her, and she brought me along. The event was held by these well known eye-wear, accessory twin designers name Coco & Breezy. I was later told this was they're first time revealing their art work. But it was interesting and complex, in the simplest form, if that even make sense. Anyways I also did some networking, which is always great. But honestly I think I just love meeting new people. We had food after, and outside was another group of people walking and fooling around. We left that burger joint, and bumped into Chef Roble (Bravos Celebrity, Hip Chef...Check Him Out) and is friends. He and his friends were so cool, they actually asked us to hang with them; but that fell through.

In Simple Words I Had Fun!

You"ll notice many of the art piece were in black and white. I read each of their description, and I notice that the art work either had a connection or disconnection meaning to it. It was either disconnecting from one's self, or society. So I wanted to know the central idea for all these pieces. I asked Coco, and it was "Hidden In Disguise". Basically showing people how they disconnect or connect on different spectrum's of life. I freaking loved it,especially the single one done in color. I'll explain below! 

 Me and Lily also met a girl name Nina and really cool.

 This was the only painting done in color. Isn't it lovely!? Well it was quite obvious this painting reflected their loving relationship as sisters. As strange as this sounds, I would love to see this as a couture dress. I already have the sketch in my head even though I can't draw it. Fearfully I brought it up to Coco and she said she actually like my idea. That made my night, somebody now see my outlandish idea as a good one!

 The only picture of us that night.
I Like!
This is actually not my photo. Well my camera was dead, but this was done by a photographer me and Lilly met at the event. His name is Dave. I would love to see more of his work given this sample. But the moment I get a link, I'll pass it on to you.

This art work was done by Gordon Skinner
Appealing to the eye and there's more to it
Check Him Out!

and Rocket Ships
P.S : I've lost someone,if you see him please tell him to contact me ASAP! Thanks!
Lmao I'm Stupid!

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